Father's Day deserves a post, though.
So here it is.
We began the day with everyone in the house sleeping except the Daddy. He is an early riser (God knows why, but he is)...and the rest of us?? Not so much.
Most mornings are the same.
He makes the coffee.
He reads the paper.
He checks his email.
He goes for bike rides.
All before any of us are up.
Today was the same, and I'm sure the poor guy was just waiting for someone to get up and cook him some Father's Day breakfast.
We all got up around nine (not that late!!)...but he was already outside cutting the grass. I pulled Jordan out of bed and said "you better get out there and help him, he can't cut the grass by himself on Father's Day"....to which Jordan mumbled some sort of noise, pulled on some clothes, and stumbled outside into the bright sun.
I called after him, "you're a good son!!"
to which he answered "I know".
Katie and I got busy hiding clues to Daddy's Scavenger Hunt and mixing batter for homemade waffles. After breakfast (ok, more like brunch), Jamie followed clues to find one of his gifts, a Cleveland Zip Groove 58 degree wedge. (For the golf-impaired, this is a very special golf club that apparently lets you do very special things on the golf course). Jordan helped me pick it out in the shop...he was sooooo cute about it, as he knew EXACTLY which club his Dad wanted, down to the make, model, degree, and finish of the metal. And he was right, because you would have thought we gave Jamie a million dollars, he was so excited.
I wish I could say I snapped photos of any of this.....father and son mowing the lawn together....making breakfast....scavenger hunt...but no. My camera was out of battery (gasp), so there are no pictures. Only memories of a happy day.
However....dinner with Grandpa and the Happy Hutchies??
Oh, yes.
Happy Father's Day!
Note: in honor of Father's Day, and Daddies everywhere...the first seven songs on my playlist are some of my favorite daddy/mommy/parenting songs on the planet...and are always good for at least a few tears/choking up/goosebumps...at least for me. Have a listen... :)
Holy mother of gondola! I love these shots!! You can feel the love in all of them! Oh wait, I was there so maybe the love I felt is simmering over from that! I love all of these and the bond of our family, even if my hair does look like I put my finger in an electric socket! That's unconditional baby!!
Awwww...beautiful pictures! Family love is magical when it's captured well...and you did! Wish Brett was as easy to buy for as Jamie. And I have three presents within two weeks with birthday, father's and anniverary. uuugh. happy father's day, jamie!
love the family pics. beautiful.
love the story of how the morning went down. that makes for good reading years from now too!
the club...i want to see if jeff knows what it is, see his reaction, and then mentally put it on his wish list-in my head!!!
happy father's day!!!
Father’s Day is always a special time for a lot of Dads . . . and it is for me too . . . but for me anyway . . . I find Father’s Day to be a little overrated.
Now why in the world would I say this? It’s because I’ve been blessed with three beautiful daughters . . . and I’m so very proud of you and your sisters Molly and Kelly . . . and to me . . . every day “my girl’s” have been in my life has seemed like Father’s Day.
Now what more could a Father ask for? Nothing!
Love Ya!
Dad & Grandpa
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