Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Being thankful...and consistently feeling that way on a daily basis...is challenging.

Sometimes the demands and minutiae of life make the thankful parts cloudy...and the "I-have-to's" and "I-need-to's" and the "crossing-that-off-the-list-of-things-to-do's" garner too much undeserved attention and importance.

They get too much power.

More accurately, I give them too much power.

Blechh. Even worse.

Not today.

One of my favorite lyrics...in one of my favorite songs...by one of my favorite artists... goes like this:

"It's not having what you want...
it's wanting what you've got"

-Sheryl Crow
"Soak Up The Sun"

This song is a guaranteed dose of "feel-good-about-everything-in-your-life-and-lighten-up-and-focus-on-only-the-best-things" message. LOVE it. I like to blast it in the car and sing it at the top of my lungs. My kids know all the words...but I want them to know and live the message, too...as a cure for self pity, frustrating growing pains, mean girls, and hurt feelings.

Soak up the sun.

I'm gonna tell everyone to lighten up.

Every time I turn around I'm looking up, you're looking down
Maybe something's wrong with you that makes you act the way you do

I'm gonna soak up the sun.

Soak up the goodness.

Everything else doesn't matter.

What I want....and what I've already got...it's all right in front of me.

(I feel a list coming on...cue drum roll)

Today I feel randomly grateful for...

-a relaxing, refreshing summer

-my hardworking husband

-cinnamon banana waffles

-abundant laughter in our home

-pets we love

-Katie's swimming talents

-inappropriate humor

-random, unexpected hugs from J&K


-a son who still lets me into his teen world

-a fulfilling job I love

-jordan's changing voice

-loyal friendship

-life lessons

-date nights at the gym

-watching Kelly unwrap each layer of parenting like it's a shiny new present

-father & son time on the golf course

-chore lists for everyone


-the chickee


-a really GOOD dog

-katie's organization

-douglas loving kindergarten

-great middle school teachers

-time to run

-the sushi dinner

-raft floating in the pool

-the rhyme game

-a great planner

-watching Jordan become a young man


-Katie's happiness in 5th grade

-iced coffee

-the high road

-a cat who cuddles

-Target end caps

-4:30 power naps


-how absolutely FUN my kids are to be with

-edamame with sea salt

-new comforters

-jordan's school schedule

-GAP clearance

-notes in Kate's lunch

-a teaching partner who "gets me"

-a classroom full of new faces

-planning time

-broiled blackened veggies

-Jonas Brothers memories

-tried and true friends

-thinking I could NOT love my kids any more than I already do...but then I do

-thinking I could NOT be prouder of my kids than I already am...but then I am

-a zoom lens for baseball games and swim meets

-Jamie's cooking

-out-of-the-blue kind words from Kate's teacher

-girl time

-uncontrollable laughter

-quiet time to think

-"Julie and Julia" - awesome movie

-seeing my kids so content

-deciding to make this list...and wanting to write more

-feeling really thankful...and determined to stay that way. :)


Kelle said...

loving the list...always love a good happy list. wanting to see julie and julia too...heard it's fabulous. and always love to know, in the midst of thinking having tiny littles in the house is the best thing in the world...that it gets better and that having older 'friends' as children is most positively wonderful too. looking forward to it.

smartsiartsi said...

Thanks Jennifer...I needed to read a happy list this week...it's been a rough week for our family and your list helped remember all the things that I have in my life to make a happy list about!!
Love it...
Mary H.

Kelly Hutcheson said...

Our buddy Oprah would be so proud! Even when life can be a difficult balancing act the common theme you always come back to is how wonderful everything is!
Thanks for always being an inspiration and picking the best colors to use to paint this beautiful life!! I love you!

donna said...

this is good girlfriend! Just put me in a great mood! Totally laughing! You are so good at finding the humor in everything!!!!