Sunday, May 18, 2008

Working Out

I was really on a roll with exercising. Doing something pretty active nearly every day. Lately, though, my motivation has stalled.

I used to look forward to it. All of the sudden, now I dread it. Kind of like a friend that I usually looked forward to seeing, calling, laughing with...but suddenly, we don’t connect anymore and I miss her. I want to break up with her but I know she is good for me. OK, so maybe that’s a tad deep. But I do miss it.

Today, I went to the gym after a 4 week hiatus. Yes, I realize that equals one month, but 4 weeks is easier for me to admit. :) The Group Power class, that used to be routine, was brutal. My muscles are now as sore as if I had not darkened that doorstep in a year.

As I struggled, cringed, and grunted through the weight class (cursing the trainer through every rep), I vowed to make a list of the good things that I love about exercising, so that I can refer to it as my own personal “pep talk”.

So here we go…

Benefits of exercising for me:

· I feel strong

· more energy for the rest of the day

· huge feeling of accomplishment in just one hour

· fun thing to do with Jamie

· clothes fit better

· toned arms for tank tops

· reward of Planet Smoothies afterwards

· model lifetime fitness for my kids

· confidence builder

· results come pretty fast

· can eat more :)

· “me” time

· models discipline for my kids

· declares a big “F-you” to aging

(insert middle finger here)

· music in class is inspiring

· works out frustrations

· the feeling of soreness the rest of the day

· makes me feel like I’m “doing my best”

· keeps me connected to myself

· breathe better

· more likely to try new things

· makes me more conscious of healthy eating

· reminder that self improvement never ends

· lots of role models at the gym…in all ages, shapes, and sizes

· escape from reality

· learned that I can work through injuries

· feels good to sweat and get out of breath

· model of feminine strength for Katie

· reminder that God gave me a healthy body, and it’s my job to take care of it...


Kelle said...

There are a million reasons! Thank you for reminding me to pick it up a notch! It is SUCH a happiness pill for me!

Anonymous said...

Okay~ You've just motivated me!! Thank you, thank you!! Love your blog!! ~Jill :)

carie said...

your personal pep talk just inspired me too!

Heidi said...

The 'f' you to aging is one of my personal favorites, along with being able to eat more! Modeling lifetime fitness for the kids is great too, and the quality time with J. Okay, they are all great reasons! I'm going to the gym tomorrow armed with your 'pep talk' in hand. Thank u:)

Carin said...

love the f-you at aging.

this was awesome.

I'm feeling a little guilty.

maybe I'll go for a run...

Julie Frizzi said...

OK I am hitting the weights in one hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!