Monday, June 23, 2008

Ripping Off The Band Aid

Well, I did it. I have gone through every digital image I can find of J&K.

There's a LOT.

Pretty much freaked out for 24 hours, looking at it all and trying to wrap my brain around how to organize the images into both a chronological blueprint of their lives so far, and also do it in a way that is creative and cute. Holy shit.

Had to go away from it for a while to think. Went to church. Actually prayed about the photos. Came back to the photos. Ugh, not much better. There is so much and its all over the place. Got mad at my past self for not being more meticulous about labeling and organizing pictures in a coherent way. Went to the driving range and took out frustration on golf balls. There's that's better. Came back tonight. Moved, copied, labeled, and categorized. A little better now. I have a plan. It's in the baby stages and quite shaky, but it's a plan.

There is a bright side to all of this, though...I get to spend hours looking at the two little faces I have missed so much...


Kelly Hutcheson said...

OMG! I'm going to cry!! I'm so proud of you!! I was so shocked to see these little adorable faces!! I'm so proud of you!! WOW! Your past self is a mean mahma-jahma for doing this to you so I'm glad you beat her up and "took control of the raffia"!! Love you!! WOW.

Kelle said...

Isn't this fun??? I wish we were all in a room right with little laptpops on our lap, and we were all digi scrappin and drinking mich ultra with limes. I'm getting behind in my digi scrap (go ahead...laugh. i'm behind by 3 weeks, okay?)

Heidi said...

Oh My Jenn-look at those cute little faces...I want to squeeze those little cheeks. So great you are doing this, you are inspring me to get more organzied with Peyton and Beck's older photos. You are soooooo talented at this...lessons please:) FYI: i'm behind 3 years:0

Stephanie said...

OH MY WORD......I LOVE these pics of J & K. You are doing a marvelous job w/digi sb! AMAZING! :o)

Mary said...

Jen, this is so, so special. Kelly stole my raffia analogy, but whenever I approach anything rather daunting, I always say,
"Jen says that it's only raffia and I can conquer this". Got Bob saying it too. Anyway, you are doing an amazing job and you will have it forever and ever and the kids will have it forever and ever and on it will go!!! I LOVE reading your blog. Love you, honey! Mom