Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Heartprint Book

You know how you read some books, and you know you will always have a tiny piece of it in your heart? I call them heartprint books. This book is one of those books for me. It's about two lifelong friends who met in Kindergarten and are now in their fifties. Lots of names/dates/references to the Ohio area, so anyone from there would really like it.

As I read about the two of them in Kindergarten, I wondered if any friends will meet like that in my class this year? And how many already have? :)


Stephanie said...

Oh, I sooooo want to read this book. I love the term you have coined, "heartprint" books. I have a lifelong friend, Orla Brady. Orla and I were in the same kindergarten class (Mrs. Kuespert's class @ Willow Bend ELEM). We grew up (went to the same schools through HS, different colleges, and she now lives in NY. BUT, we are STILL so connected! WOW...sorry about the rambling. Your post evoked so many memories, emotions. Can't wait to get my hands on the book. Maybe I will buy it & read it on the plane tomorrow! :o) Thanks, Jennifer for letting me RAMBLE on your blog and for highlighting this book.

P.S. - I am sooo telling Orla about the book, too!

donna said...

OHH! I love to read your stuff! I am sooooooo glad Olivia is gonna have YOU as her kindergaten teacher! next year! What an awsome 2 years for her w/ and Andrea! Your so sweet!

donna said...

I meant w/ you and Andrea!OOPS!

Rayna said...

Jen, I haven't been able to get on your blog in forever. So much has gone on. It really sounds like your summer is going fabulous. I love the pictures of Jordan winning his trophy, and the one of Kaitlin already having the most adorable outfit laid out for the next day. Hope to see you soon!