Sunday, July 27, 2008

Take Me Out To The Ballgame...

My kids are alike in many ways.

Despite being of the opposite sex, and nearly three years apart in age, they share many of the following traits:

They are affectionate.
They love music.
They are sensitive.
They possess a strong sense of family.
They are loyal.
They are competitive.
They are thoughtful.
They love to argue with each other.
They are stubborn.
They can be picky eaters.
They are athletic.
They love going to the movies.
They are confident.
They are sweet.
They love to have the last word.
They love animals.
They are empathetic.
They have a razor-sharp sense of humor.

One significant difference between J & K …how they form and define friendships.

Katie makes friends fast, easily, and with nearly anyone her age…or younger or older, for that matter. She seems to find a common bond with someone in a crowd. She has no problem going into new social situations not knowing ANYONE…and will emerge at the end with a new name to talk about, a story about someone new, whom she has bonded with in even the smallest of ways. I marvel at this quality, because it’s not something I possess. In this way, she is a lot like Jamie, I think. He is at ease in any crowd, and feels comfortable talking to anyone, no matter how much or little they have in common. I think I have gotten better in this area, but I still generally sit in wonder at how easy it is for the two of them.

Jordan is a little more guarded about who he lets in. He is selective and extremely loyal in his friendships. He doesn’t really need a LOT of them. He has friends he has had since Kindergarten, and that suits him just fine...he doesn’t seem to need any more. And, in his words, “boys my age can be so immature, Mom”. The friends he has now, they have passed his litmus test…the test of time…through 6 years of elementary and one year of middle school.

We took the kids to a Ft. Myers Miracle baseball game a few weeks ago…and two of Jordan's close friends came along. These are two sweet boys, twins whom I taught in Kindergarten 6 years ago…and today, they are still the same good, sweet, polite kids... just a little more grown up. I just adore these boys, and I love that Jordan has such a close bond with them. So it was just good to see the three of them have a great time that night...

We sat over third base...and one of the players tossed a ball right to Jordan...and he was thrilled, to say the least...

Before long, they all had one...

When we first got there (after a 35 minute drive), it was all rainy (ruh-roh)...

but then we saw this...

Kate still wasn't impressed. This girl did NOT want to be there. She was throwing a serious pout fest.
The following picture is the best she could give me, when I ordered her to "SMILE".

She warmed up later, after a hot dog and soda...

To watch the game, the boys found a patch of grass at the bottom of a hill...

It's so funny what Florida kids will do when they FINALLY find a hill, just like kids do up's the same everywhere...

Yes, I asked them to pose for this picture, and so glad I did...



Kelly Hutcheson said...

It's hard to wait to hear about your miracles, but the longer I wait, the better they are!! I feel like I was at the game with you!!

The twins look like they're heading into college! Zowie!!

Katie's fake smile is hilarious! Glad she warmed up - she always does!!

It's funny how all the traits that they share could be said for you or Jamie or both! Nurture is an incredible thing!!

Krista said...

OMG....seriously laughing at your daughter's scowl. i think i looked like that most of last week. ahahahahhaha.
what fun! i LOVE baseball!!

Mary said...

OMG - such cute pictures and such a memory!! I can't believe those twins!!! I remember them so well when they introduced you at Golden Apple! Just little tykes then!

Great pictures and fun times!!!

Kelle said...

Jennygirl! Love this! Love Jordan holding the ball...but fave is definitely Katie's pout-smile. She's trying so hard not to smile...but smiling just enough not to get in trouble. Love you! xoxo

Rayna said...

What fun times. It truly amazes me how siblings can be so different, yet the same in so many ways (whether they like to admit it or not)! Jordan and his friends look like this was the best time ever, and Katie cracks me up. She has that look like, "I cannot believe I am here."